b. 1982

Jason C. Carlson is an independent artist based in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Illustration in 2008 from Northern Illinois University in Dekalb, a place where he was the “self proclaimed” best handclapper in the city. Jason does acrylic and ink paintings on illustration board, as well as on canvas with oil and yarn and bits of other material. As of recent, Jason has been chewing his food loudly and also working on a series of large ink and marker drawings, of objects half morphing and half fighting for space. In regards to Jason’s work, he had this to say:

“I’ve been drawing since I was a kid and opted to never hang it up. I couldn’t give it up really. I needed it. I need it. It’s always been a playground where I could piss out my feelings and feel a touch better about life. Music too. And if any of it can bring any joy to other people, all the better.”

Jason is currently selling drawings, paintings, prints, albums, and is taking commissions on concert posters, book illustrations, and album art.

seeing sound