Holding on to some odd impulse. Stripped down and earthy grooves that don’t hide behind a slick production. Bedroom tracks created drunk and alone. This is a compilation of 4-track recordings released in 2020. All songs were written and recorded in the Chicagoland area by Jason C. Carlson between 2004 and 2009. Additional bass was supplied by the masterful Steve “Venkman” Mitchell on tracks 2, 4, and 9. This is a raw album for the weirdos and the loners. Cheers!
Holding on to some odd impulse. Stripped down and earthy grooves that don’t hide behind a slick production. Bedroom tracks created drunk and alone. This is a compilation of 4-track recordings released in 2020. All songs were written and recorded in the Chicagoland area by Jason C. Carlson between 2004 and 2009. Additional bass was supplied by the masterful Steve “Venkman” Mitchell on tracks 2, 4, and 9. This is a raw album for the weirdos and the loners. Cheers!